Throughout the scriptures, we are reminded of the importance of selflessness and compassionate service towards others. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus states that he came "not to be served, but to serve." As a church, this call challenges us to put aside our own desires and extend a helping hand to those around us, especially those in need. There are plenty of opportunities to serve at Declaration Church. Below you will find a detailed list of each serve team and next steps to get involved!
A DC College leader is a college student who is leading a 3D Group with the purpose of developing students to declare and demonstrate the gospel through studying the Word of God, prayer, outreach, and cultivating community.
Our communion baking team is given the recipe for our communion bread and prepares the bread for communion on Sunday’s.
We consider taking communion a sacrament so we require that you are a member of the Church because we want to make sure you are a believer. (When you go through the membership process we meet with you individually to talk through that.) We want a smiling face that blesses our people to be on this team!
Connection Central is the area in the lobby where people can go to learn more about Declaration or to get connected. Our desire is to have welcoming, loving people willing to help answer questions and point people in the right direction. You receive a lot of new people in this position.
Our finance team members meet once a quarter to review the church’s finances. This team makes sure everything lines up and makes suggestions to our Elders. This team also helps with the yearly budget.
A High School Leader is someone who disciples and shepherds students within the Youth ministry to know, love, and be transformed by Jesus Christ as King. The committed member of DC High School is expected to serve weekly on Thursdays from 6:30PM-9PM, attend special monthly events, and attend a spring weekend retreat and a fall day retreat.
Hospitality team helps plan and prepare food and decorations for events within Declaration. If you've have a hospitable spirit and love cooking for a crowd, this is the team for you!
Our volunteers that serve on the kids team are working with children from birth - 4th grade. You help keep the classroom a safe and peaceful place, you help provide a teaching atmosphere, and you help facilitate fun! We want our children to feel safe and excited to come back while also truly hearing the gospel.
Calling all photographers and videographers at heart! We are looking for people with an eye for aesthetics who enjoy creative media. Minimum requirements for this position would be to have at least beginner level experience with digital cameras.
A Middle School Leader is someone who disciples and shepherds students within the Youth ministry to know, love, and be transformed by Jesus Christ as King. The committed member of DC Middle School is expected to serve weekly or bi-weekly on Sundays during either the 9am or 12:45pm Service, attend special monthly events, and attend a spring weekend retreat and a fall day retreat.
The DC Nations Care Team promotes the well-being, growth, effectiveness, and sustainability of DC’s career missionaries through facilitating the meeting of physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. This team needs prayer warriors and hearts aligned with The Great Commission!
Office Support is a team that serves during the week in our church office. Most of what we need is administrative help so if you are good in a typical office environment, we'd love to have you join!
Our parking team members are the first people our congregation sees when they pull in the parking lot. We desire welcoming, loving people with endurance to be outside and direct cars in the right flow to prevent chaos. Our parking team is the first impression for Declaration…no pressure when you sign up for this team. :)
Our prayer team prays over our church before each one of our services. Praying visitors, our congregation, Pastor Blake, our staff, and volunteers is essential to making Sunday successful! We want everything we do to be from and for the Lord!
Our response team members are available during worship on the back end of the service to listen and pray for those who desire it. Allowing the Holy Spirit to intercede on our people’s behalf is a beautiful and life changing thing! If you want to encourage others and have a sympathetic heart, we'd love for you to join our team!
Our security team members are vetted a little bit harder than other teams because we want safe people with experience in protecting others. The team members on the security team are taught what to watch for in case of intruders, they watch over the sanctuary, and watch over our children’s areas. We require a background check and training’s through our church to join this team.
Our welcome team is split into two jobs. We have greeters that open the door and welcome our congregation and we have ushers that help our congregation find seats in the sanctuary. We desire welcoming, loving people for this team because you are one of the first impressions on people at Declaration Church.
Our women’s ministry organizes 2 events per year and coordinates ladies summer small groups. To serve on this team, you need to have a heart for women of all ages and have a calling to be a disciple making disciples, specifically with women. Someone who has a desire to see chains of sin be broken and who has a desire to see women walk in the freedom the Lord provides; a desire to see women be saved!
The Worship ministry has a unique opportunity to present the truth of the gospel to our church every Sunday whether we are using tech, an instrument, or your voice. We aim to serve with confidence, excellence, and authenticity. Each week we strive to create a worship and teaching environment that allows people to discover truths about who God is. Roles available: Slides operator, Broadcast Operator, Audio Engineer, Band member, and vocalist.