What’s the plan?
We recently announced our plans to get involved in Church planting in the Front Range of Colorado. This area extends from Colorado Springs up I-25 through Denver and Boulder and up to Fort Collins. We are excited about this focus area for several reasons.
This is an area of massive need for more Gospel centered Churches. The North American Mission Board said that they have one church there for every 20,000 residents. Barna Research said that only 26% of residents are Evangelicals with over 18% saying that they have no religious affiliation at all.
We are also excited to focus our church planting efforts in not only a major U.S. city (Denver and surround areas) but also ones that have collegiate campuses within them. The Front Range is home to the Air Force Academy, Denver University, Colorado University-Boulder, Colorado State and many others. As a church in a college town we feel drawn to other major college towns as well. Denver is also the 3rd highest destination city, outside of Texas that former students of Texas A&M move to after graduation.
We will not be doing all of this work on our own. We have found a great partner in The Well Church - Boulder. They have already planted numerous churches in the area and currently have a goal of planting over 100 churches on the Front Range. They have developed a church planting residency program for potential church planters to gain invaluable insight into the church planting process before actually launching.
We will partner with them in several ways including but not limited to supporting them financially. We are also excited about the opportunity to send our very own college students to live in Boulder for 10 weeks during the summer to serve in their summer internship program. We think that this will not only be a huge help to them but will also develop our college students to come back to BCS and live more on mission than ever before. We also hope to begin sending young adults and married couples to move to the front range in hopes of spurring on the advancement of the Gospel in this area. These are just a few of the many ways that we are looking to partner together for the Name of Jesus to be high and exalted in Colorado and beyond. Would you pray about what God may have you do in this mission as well?
Let us know if you have any questions or want more info! info@declarationchurch.net