

The DC Nations ministry exists for the glory & worship of the Lord among all nations. We believe that from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is centered around God’s plan to be glorified through Jesus Christ, the resurrected King (Gen 12:3, Rev 7:9). Jesus gives His followers a clear mandate to make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28:18-20), rejoicing in the knowledge that he will come again to restore all things (Romans 8:19-25). His sacrifice gives believers a new identity as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God with the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:17-20). His Spirit equips us, as a body, to work together in order to declare his love through sacrifice, selfless service, and graceful proclamation of the gospel to all (Eph 4:15-16).

We equip the saints with the foundational knowledge of God’s desire for all to be redeemed through Jesus Christ. We do so by praying, sending cross-cultural workers, welcoming international neighbors, mobilizing the Church, and going to the nations. We host trainings, events, groups, and lead yearly short-term trips to learn about and engage with other cultures. We also train laborers to serve through long-term missions and support them financially, prayerfully, and through our Care Team.

If you are interested in serving locally, internationally or learning about God’s heart for the nations, please contact us at We would love to walk with you as you discover more of God!

Compassion International

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Compassion International to help release children and families from poverty in Jesus’ name. With God’s leading, we are supporting children in Peru and hope to send teams to these communities in the coming years to love and serve them as our neighbors.

We have chosen to partner with Compassion International because they are a Christ-centered, child-focused and church-driven organization that will provide our church family with a simple, generous and relational way to carry out our faith.

This is done through individual sponsorship where you will give monthly to provide for a child’s most basic needs- food, education, healthcare, etc. You will have the opportunity to get to know your sponsored child by writing letters, encourage them, and intercede on their behalf.