Covenant Membership Class (part 1/2)
This sign up is for those interested in becoming a member at Declaration Church. The goal is for you to learn more about the mission and vision of the church and have the opportunity to sign a covenant with Declaration.
This is a 2 part class, you are required to attend both classes to become a covenant member.

Covenant Membership Class (part 2/2)
This sign up is for those interested in becoming a member at Declaration Church. The goal is for you to learn more about the mission and vision of the church and have the opportunity to sign a covenant with Declaration.
This is a 2 part class, you are required to attend both classes to become a covenant member.

Celebration Sunday
Celebrate with us new life in Christ through the sacrament of baptism on Sunday, April 27 at any of our 4 services.
Interested in being baptized? Sign up at the link below!

Chili Cook-Off
Join us for the second annual Declaration Church Super Bowl Chili Cook-Off! Come cheer on your team with your church family over more Chili than you could possibly imagine! This is a competition, with judges AND the winning team gets a prize! Team up with your friends and register at the link below!
*The party will end right after the first half of the Super Bowl, before halftime.*

DC Youth Spring Retreat
Join DC Youth for the annual Spring Retreat at Camp Allen, February 7-9!

The Grove Gathering: Night of Worship & Prayer
The Grove Gathering: Night of Worship has been cancelled due to the winter storm and the unfortunate breakdown of our building's heater. Stay tuned to social media and announcements on Sundays for updates on rescheduling for the event.

December 29 Service
On Sunday, December 29 we will only offer one service at 11 AM. Childcare will be available for families.

Christmas Eve Service
Join us for a special Christmas Eve service on December 24 at 4 PM.
Childcare will not be available at this service.

Volunteer Appreciation Party
Thank you so much for serving at Declaration! Come join us for a fun night with Family Feud, gifts, and food! This is also a sweet time to bring all of our ministry and serve teams together in one place! We can't wait to hang out!!!

College Night of Worship
Join DC College to finish out the semester with a night of worship!

Child Dedication
Child Dedication is scheduled this semester for Sunday, November 10. This is an opportunity for parents to commit to raising their children in the ways of the Lord in front of their church family.
Registration for child dedication has now closed, but there will be another opportunity to dedicate your child next semester.

Small Groups Equipping Night
Groups Equipping Night is a night of fellowship and training for DC small group members. The first hour will be dedicated to pot luck dinner + fellowship, and the second hour will consist of breakout sessions on topics like marriage, parenting, and building biblical community. This will be happening on November 6 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. Registration is now clsoed.

Into the Buddhist Mind
Into the Buddhist Mind is a two hour event designed to open your eyes on how Buddhism has shaped the minds of millions throughout South East Asia. Grapple with the challenges and obstacles one must face to clearly communicate a message of hope in a culture vastly different than our own. Join us on Tuesday, November 5 from 6-8:30 PM here at the church. Registration is now closed.

Celebration Sunday
Join us on October 27 to celebrate new life in Christ through the sacrament of baptism. Interested in being baptized? Register at the link below!

College Reach Night
Join DC College for a night on campus to engage others with the hope of Jesus! We will connect with and prayer for students, faculty and anyone we meet! This is an opportunity for our college ministry to declare and demonstrate the Gospel at Texas A&M! We will meet on October 23 at 6 PM at Rudder Plaza.

Third Thursday Prayer
Each third Thursday we will host an hour of prayer for the people of Declaration Church to intercede on behalf of our city, our people and our families. This will happen monthly in the Fellowship Hall from 12 - 1 PM starting next Thursday, October 17.

Covenant Membership Class (part 1)
Covenant Membership Class is for anyone who is interested in learning more about the mission, vision and values of Declaration Church. This is the first step to becoming a Covenant Member. The class is split into two nights, September 25 and October 2. Register now at the link below.

DC Youth presents: FALL RIOT. This is a night of fun and chaos for youth students to connect with leaders, other students and God! If there is any event to invite a friend to… THIS IS THE ONE! Join us on Wednesday, September 25 and get ready to RIOT!

Nations Care Team Meeting
Nations care team is a way for you to serve our church and our goers (overseas members) and learn about more ways you can be involved in caring for them. Join us for the first meeting of the semester on September 5 at 6:30 PM in the Youth Room.

Our offices will be closed on September 2, 2024 for Labor Day.

Night of Worship & Prayer
Our next Night of Worship & Prayer is coming up on August 28 at 6:30 PM. Childcare is available. Make sure to register your child at the link below.

Fall College Kick Off
Join DC College for a fun night of connection to kick off the semester! There will be pizza rolls, games and plenty of time to meet other students and student leaders. Here you can learn about opportunities to get plugged in through 3d Groups and serving. We hope to see you there!

The Big Giveaway
We are partnering with Grace Bible Church for the Big Giveaway, a two-day event on August 16th and 17th. This will be an awesome opportunity for you, your small group, family and friends to connect with and be the Church to international college students in need of items as they prepare for college. The greatest need for volunteers is for people to drop off furniture to student's homes on the 17th. Click the link below to request more information!

Summer Sunday
Join us on August 11 for the final Summer Sunday of the season. We will be gathering at the Oakmont Clubhouse and Amenity Center for a pool party!

Summer Sunday
A Summer Sunday Event is planned for July 21 at 6 PM. We will gather as a church family at Mr. G’s for dinner and connection in Downtown Bryan.

College Summer Event
Join DC College for a chance to connect with other students and leaders this summer on July 11. We will be hanging out in the Sanctuary from 6-8 PM with snacks and fun!

M3 Camp
DC Youth is going to M3 Camp in Glorieta, New Mexico this summer! Students will be gone July 10-16. Cost for camp is $315. per camper and scholarships are available upon application. Email for more information. Registration is open at the link below.

DC Offices Closed: July 4th
The Declaration Church Offices will be closed on July 4 for the national holiday.

DC Offices Closed: Staff Development Day
The Declaration Church Offices are closed on Monday, June 24 for a staff development day.

Summer Groups Event
Join us for an evening to connect with other members and attenders at Declaration outside of our regular small groups and their meeting times! Follow the link below to let us know you are coming!

Sports Camp
Join us this summer for Sports Camp at Kemp Carver Elementary from 5-7:30 June 4-6! There will be dinner, fun activities, engaging worship and awesome bible teaching.
This camp is for children who have completed Kindergarten-4th Grade. You can register your child at the link below.
If you have any questions, please email

The Grove Gathering: Hope for More
The Grove Gathering is a women’s gathering to celebrate God’s work through testimonies; learn from God’s Word and one another; know and be known by women at Declaration Church; and pray and worship together in a time of ministry and response.
Our hope is to gather to use the gifts of the Spirit to minister to the body of Christ through intentional fellowship; welcoming and getting to know new women; and creating a space of connection and encouragement.
Childcare will be available for those women who may need it.

DC Offices Closed: Memorial Day
The DC Offices will be closed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day.