Our Partners
DC Neighbors values partnerships with local nonprofits within the community. Rather than reinventing the wheel, we want to join in the unique work that God is doing through each of these organizations. We choose partners who work toward rehabilitation and development within their communities, aiming to restore and reconcile people into right relationship with God, self, others, and the rest of creation. These nonprofits are passionate about the people they serve and it is a privilege for us to join them on mission.
Kemp-Carver Elementary
Since 2014, Declaration has partnered with Kemp-Carver, an elementary school serving primarily low-income families in Bryan. Kemp's mission is to empower all students to be college ready and prepared to make a positive impact on the world around them now and in the future.
To learn more about Kemp-Carver, visit: https://kempcarver.bryanisd.org/.
Declaration’s Partnership with Kemp-Carver:
Members of Declaration serve faithfully as teachers at Kemp-Carver.
“Kemp Pals” from DC's mentorship program with Kemp-Carver visit the school weekly to help teachers and serve as a mentor for students.
Various yearly events supporting students, teachers, and families, such as Back to School programs, Adopt-a-cub, Coat Drive, and more!
Teacher Appreciation.
Hope Pregnancy Center
“Hope Pregnancy Center is a safe place to explore options regarding your pregnancy. Our staff and volunteers will listen to your needs and concerns, and give honest answers to your questions. We strive to provide a peaceful and calm environment in which to make your decision. Our confidential services are provided free of charge, under the supervision of a local licensed physician.”
To learn more about Hope, visit: https://www.hopepregnancy.org.
Declaration’s Partnership with Hope:
Members of Declaration serve as Client Advocates, who meet with women and men facing unplanned pregnancies to help them understand their options as well as provide emotional support, tangible resources, and share the gospel!
DC hosts baby showers for women who complete a 12 week parenting class.
Financial Support.
BCS Together
“BCS Together is a Christ-centered nonprofit who serves children and families touched by the child welfare system. We believe the community in Brazos Valley can strengthen foster, kinship, adoptive, and CPS-referred bio families through collaboration and wrap-around support. We also want to offer the grace of Jesus to CPS-referred bio families in our community. There are so many practical ways we can help and support families in our area, and to invite you along with us. Together, let’s help kids find hope and healing.”
To learn more about BCS Together, visit: https://www.bcstogether.org.
Declaration’s Partnership with BCS Together:
CarePortal - CarePortal exists to help vulnerable children and families. Requests submitted through CarePortal come from caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations. Our church partners with BCS Together to meet CarePortal requests such as rent assistance, beds, mattresses, clothing, and more, in an effort to sustain families and work towards reunification.
We meet regularly to discuss ways in which we can protect vulnerable children and better support the foster and adoptive families within our church and community.
Support and serve local CPS workers.
Financial Support.
Habitat for Humanity
“Join us as we share God’s love through providing affordable homeownership to hardworking, low-income families in Bryan and College Station. Since 1989, we’ve worked alongside 300 families and countless community members to build safe, affordable homes.”
To learn more about Habitat for Humanity, visit: https://www.habitatbcs.org.
Declaration’s Partnership with Habitat:
Representatives from DC sit on Habitat's "Faith in Action" Committee, meeting monthly to discuss the ways in which local churches can best support the mission of Habitat.
Facilitate opportunities for members of Declaration to work directly on homes and build relationships with the families moving in.
Financial Support.
Unbound BCS
“Unbound Bryan College Station activates local communities to fight human trafficking through prevention and awareness, professional training and survivor advocacy in the Brazos Valley.”
To learn more about Unbound, visit: https://www.unboundbcs.org.
Declaration’s Partnership with Unbound:
Hosting trainings for our church to be informed on the reality and prevalence of human trafficking, specifically in our town.
Financial Support.