Foster Care/Adoption
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
There are a variety of ways that you can serve vulnerable children and families. If you feel led to foster or adopt, we would love to connect you with resources in our community to explore that process further. If you’re looking to get involved in other ways, you can join our CarePortal team, become a certified foster care babysitter, or provide wrap-around support for the foster and adoptive families in our church.
Foster Care Babysitting & Wrap-around support
Community support is vital to the wellbeing and longevity of foster families. One way that you can support is by providing short-term care for a child in foster care. To babysit for a foster parent(s) in our church, there are a series of steps and various trainings that must be completed. Want more details?
Our CarePortal Team
CarePortal exists to help vulnerable children and families. Requests submitted through CarePortal come from caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations. Our church partners with BCS Together to meet CarePortal requests such as rent assistance, beds, mattresses, clothing, and more, in an effort to sustain families and work towards reunification.
Members of our CarePortal team receive email requests about local needs when CPS workers submit them. They can decide to meet the need and work directly with the CPS worker, or they can contact the DC Neighbors staff team for assistance meeting the need. Each member is trained on how to handle requests by DC Neighbors.