Miss the seminar?
Not able to make it? Our team has you covered.
Check out the full Church + Culture: Sexuality Seminar on our YouTube channel linked below.
Additional Resources:
Below is a list of authors and their work recommended by the Equipping and Care & Counseling Teams at Declaration Church.
What God Has to Say About Our Bodies
7 Myths About Singleness
Is God Anti-Gay
Rethinking Sexuality
Sex and the Single Girl
Talking to Kids About Gender Identity
Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today’s Youth
People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality is Not Just an Issue - Preston Sprinkle
Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry
The Bible and Homosexual Practice - Robert Gagnon
Same-sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life - Ed Shaw
Our Bodies Tell God’s Story: Discovering the Divine Plan for Love, Sex, and Gender - Christopher West
Check out the Sexuality Equipping Class lead by Will Harris (Equipping and Groups Director) and Emily Wise (Groups Deacon), where we explore what the scriptures say about sex, gender and more! Accompanying the recording is the slideshow presentation linked below.
The linked podcast episodes and/or shows are both helpful and easily accessible. Each show is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and a few can be found in an online format.
Here are two organizations that regularly post helpful content on faith and sexuality.
Authentic Intimacy:
The Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender:
Guest Speaker: Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry is a pastor, author and speaker known for his insights on topics related to the Christian faith and sexuality. His work centers around providing a Biblical perspective on hotly debated issues such as gender-identity, LGBTQ+ topics and marriage, providing practical guidance and wisdom for Christians navigating these complex areas of life. His recent books Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With? and Is God Anti-Gay? offer compassionate and nuanced approaches to these topics to spark meaningful conversations and to encourage believers to deepen their understanding of God’s design for sex and relationships.